DEB Bioethics Requirement
DEB students are required to take one of the bioethics courses listed below before their qualifying exam. Alternatively, DEB students may opt to attend eight of the Research Ethics - Responsible Conduct of Research Program seminar sessions offered through the Office of Research. RCR training satisfies federal bioethics training requirements and students will be issued a certificate upon completing the minimum number of sessions. Presenting the RCR certificate to our Administrative Team will satisfy the DEB bioethics course requirement.
Regularly offered campus courses that satisfies the DEB bioethics requirement include:
- ECH289E - Bioethics and Professionalism in Biotechnology (2-units, Spring Quarter 2025) - This course was developed by Dr. Jamison-McClung and Prof. Karen McDonald, Distinguished Professor Emerita (Chemical Engineering). It will be offered for a third time in Spring 2025 (CRN 56209). As in 2024, Dr. Somen Nandi (Chemical Engineering) and Dr. Jamison-McClung will lead the course.
- Biomedical Engineering course BIM209 - Scientific Ethics and Integrity. Discussion - 2 hours. Scientific integrity and ethics for biomedical scientists, with emphasis and discussion on mentoring, authorship and peer review, use of humans and animals in biomedical research, conflict of interest, intellectual property, genetic technology and scientific record keeping, communicating science.
- Integrative Genetics and Genomics course GGG296 - Scientific Professionalism and Integrity. Discussion - 2 hours.
- Animal Biology course ABG401 - Ethics and Professionalism in Animal Biology. Discussion - 2 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing; first pass Animal Biology graduate group students. Case studies and discussion of ethical and professional issues for animal biologists, including the use of animals in research and teaching, patenting and intellectual property, consulting and conflict of interest, scientific integrity, dealing with the media, and mentoring relationships.
- UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education CLH204 - Research Ethics. This is a course offered through UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education intended for clinical practitioners.
New graduate level courses in bioethics, scientific professionalism and integrity arise (and then disappear) with regularity. If you believe that one of your graduate group's required courses would be a suitable elective to satisfy the DEB bioethics course requirement, please contact our Administrative Team and we will inquire with the DEB Executive Committee.